
The Amphi Foundation helps meet the basic, essential needs of students to ensure that they can attend school prepared to learn. We accomplish this work through several programs.

Our Clothing Bank provides new and gently used clothing, shoes, hygiene items, and other resources to Amphi students in need. Historically, over 40% of students in the Amphi district are enrolled in the Federal Free & Reduced Lunch Program, indicating the strong need to support our students with these basic resources. Today, our Clothing Bank is entirely volunteer run and donation based, however, because of increased demand, we also purchase new items to meet student needs. Volunteers typically distribute 36,000+ items of clothing a year.

The Clothing Bank provides an opportunity for many people in the community to come together to support students. There are volunteer opportunities and donations are accepted at any Amphi school. Schools often host student-led donation drives; we love to see students helping students! We also have a partnership with University of Arizona’s Sonoran Center for Excellence in Disabilities which offers a work-based learning experience for students enrolled in Amphi’s Life Skills program.

Shoes to Smiles
was founded in 2007 by a former Amphi Foundation board member. In the years since, this program has provided new shoes and socks through an incredible shopping event. Volunteers meet a van full of Amphi students at a local shoe store and assist those children in choosing 1-2 pairs of shoes plus a package of socks. While the new shoes are needed, the one-on-one attention that students receive from a caring adult is also a valuable part of the experience. Each shopping trip costs $500-1,000 and assists about 10 students. We love putting smiles on students’ faces and new, well-fitting shoes on their feet. Contact us at if you are interested in shopping with us or sponsoring a day!

In the fall, we hold our annual Holiday Food Drive. Each year we are full of gratitude when people from all over our community come together to provide 170+ boxes of food to Amphi families. It begins with Amphi students and schools hosting food drives. The district warehouse then delivers the donated food to one location, where students from all three high schools sort and assemble the boxes. Then those students ride on school buses and deliver food to Amphi families who have been referred by their school. We strive to include a grocery store gift card in each box, in addition to the dry goods.

Each school year begins with the assembly of Resource Kits for all 21 health offices in the district. We provide large bins of supplies, with the goal that these items will help keep students in class, ready to learn. The bins contain basic essential items for students such as deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrushes, soap, lotion, hair brushes, lice kits, menstrual products and more. Students can use the items in the health office or take them home. We also provide health offices with underwear, socks, clothing and flipflops. Schools can request additional supplies throughout the year as more are needed.

Every year, the Amphi Foundation allocates a small amount to offer Emergency Support to Amphi families and staff members. This money is set aside so that when we hear about a tragedy, we can offer support. We never know what the need might be, but we are proud to offer support to ease immediate burdens, as well as connect them to other community resources and partners.


Areas of Focus



Basics like clothing, shoes, and hygiene supplies for our students, so they can go to school and be ready to learn.





Grants for educators with funding and support for technology, makerspaces, STEM & fine arts programs.





Literacy support, summer programs, athletic fee waivers, academic travel stipends, scholarships, and more.


